Dec 6, 2023
Mazda cars in the snow

Winter can be tough, and the cold weather in Shrewsbury, MA, can put a strain on your vehicle. Our Mazda service team at Sentry West Mazda is here to get you ready for the months to come, so start your preparation today!

Get a Check-Up

When the weather turns cold, every part of your car has to work harder, pushing numerous components to their limits. If it’s been a while since your last tune-up, make an appointment with our Mazda service team. We’ll check batteries, belts, spark plugs, and more to make sure they’re ready to operate under extreme weather conditions. We can also check your tire pressure and tread depth, and swap out your current set for winter tires.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

If you end up stranded during a Massachusetts winter, you’ll be glad you prepared a kit for emergencies. Jumper cables, a flashlight, and a portable source of heat are all essential, as are a first aid kit and heavy-duty ice scraper. Extra batteries are also good, as is a portable battery bank for your phone, but make sure they’re properly insulated from the freezing temperatures.

Check Your Wipers

Your wipers never work harder than during the winter, as they push sheets of snow aside to keep your vision of the road ahead clear. Our service team can make sure they’re not worn and are up for the task ahead, and that your windshield wiper fluid is fully topped off.

Schedule MAZDA Service at Sentry West MAZDA

New England winters are famous for their intense weather, so be prepared for anything that could come up. Visit Sentry West Mazda and have our team prepare your vehicle for winter today!