May 11, 2023
Engine oil

During winter, lower temperatures and the accumulation of snow and ice on roads demands changes in driving habits, like installing cold-weather tires or salting roads to slow ice formation. However, the service requirements for spring weather are less obvious. Performing these three Mazda service tasks will help your vehicle run smoothly in the spring.

1. Oil Change

The oil in your car’s engine lubricates and cools its components. The thickness of your engine’s oil impacts the energy needed to operate it. As oil ages, it thickens and becomes less effective. This can put a strain on your engine and reduce fuel efficiency. Spring is the perfect time to schedule an oil change at Sansone Mazda to ensure your car is prepared for the warm weather trips ahead.

2. Tire and Wheel Maintenance

In the winter, poorer road conditions like snow, ice, and potholes arise. Months of driving in these conditions can cause your wheels to misalign, which may damage your car’s suspension and create uneven tire wear. Uneven tire wear exposes your wheel to the elements and increases the likelihood of a flat tire.

Realigning your wheels and rotating your tires will address these issues by returning your wheels to their natural alignment and increasing your tire’s lifespan.

3. Battery Inspection

Winter temperatures can put a strain on your battery and shorten its lifespan. Spring is a great time for our technicians to test its performance and inspect your car battery for corrosion, cracks, and leaks. If it’s time for a new battery, our parts center can order and install one for you.

Spring Service at Sentry West MAZDA

Schedule a spring service appointment today at Sentry West Mazda. Our technicians will have your car running at peak performance!